
Our software is meticulously designed with your needs in mind, offering a comprehensive suite of features that empower you to do more.

Lead Management

VIDU CRM's lead management system streamlines the tracking of potential customers from the initial point of contact. The system allows for efficient organization of leads, ensuring that every potential opportunity is captured, and nothing falls through the cracks. Automated lead scoring identifies your most promising leads, enabling your sales team to prioritize their efforts effectively. 

The lead nurturing process is enhanced with customizable workflows that can trigger specific actions based on lead behaviour. This ensures timely follow-ups and personalized communication, which is critical for converting leads into customers. VIDU CRM also integrates with various communication platforms, making it easier for teams to engage with leads across different channels.

Opportunity & Pipeline

The opportunity and pipeline feature in VIDU CRM provides a clear visualization of your sales process, offering a dynamic and customizable interface to monitor sales progress. Sales pipelines can be tailored to fit different products or market segments, giving a detailed overview of where each opportunity stands. 

With drag-and-drop functionality, sales representatives can easily move opportunities through different stages of the sales funnel, reflecting real-time progress. Advanced filters and grouping options allow for in-depth analysis of the pipeline, helping sales teams to forecast revenue and identify bottlenecks in the sales process. 

Products & Pricing

Products & Pricing in VIDU CRM, the products and pricing feature allows for the detailed cataloguing of your company's offerings. Sales teams can quickly access product information, pricing structures, and availability, which is essential for creating accurate quotes and proposals. 

This feature supports multiple pricing strategies, including volume discounts and promotional pricing, to accommodate a variety of sales scenarios. Integration with inventory management ensures that sales personnel have up-to-date information on product stock levels, reducing the risk of overselling. 

The system also enables the creation of bundled offers and cross-selling opportunities, which can enhance the value proposition to potential clients and increase average transaction values.

Quotations & Documents

Creating and managing quotations and sales documents is made more efficient with VIDU CRM. The system allows for quick generation of professional-looking quotes that can be easily customized to meet the needs of each customer. Templates ensure consistency in branding and content, while also saving time for the sales team. 

The document management capabilities ensure that all sales-related documents are stored securely and are accessible to team members. Version control and collaborative editing features facilitate teamwork and help maintain the accuracy of sales documents. The ability to send quotes directly from the CRM and track customer engagement provides valuable insights into the sales process.

Activity & Follow-Up

VIDU CRM's activity and follow-up feature is designed to keep the sales team on top of their tasks. Automated reminders and scheduling tools ensure that no follow-up or customer interaction is missed. 

This system enhances accountability and helps maintain a high level of customer service throughout the sales cycle. Each sales activity can be logged and monitored, providing insights into the most effective strategies and tactics. 

Customizable activity types allow for a tailored approach to sales follow-ups, whether it be through calls, emails, or meetings, ensuring that the team can maintain a personalized touch with each interaction.

Organization Structure

With VIDU CRM, you can define and manage your organization's structure, aligning it with your sales processes and reporting lines. This feature allows for the creation of teams, departments, and regions within the CRM, providing a clear hierarchy and distribution of responsibilities. 

The organization structure feature supports role-based access control, ensuring that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized personnel. It facilitates better coordination within the team and across different units of the organization, leading to improved efficiency and communication.

Tour Planning

Tour planning in VIDU CRM is a valuable tool for sales representatives who need to organize customer visits and manage their itineraries efficiently. The CRM allows for the scheduling of appointments and routes optimization to maximize the number of visits while minimizing travel time and expenses. 

This feature also provides the capability to track and analyze the outcomes of each visit, which is essential for measuring the effectiveness of in-person interactions. Sales reps can update customer information on-the-go, ensuring that the CRM contains the most current data.

Help Desk

VIDU Helpdesk streamlines customer support, transforming your interactions from a reactive scramble to a proactive, organized flow. Imagine emails, live chat messages, and website forms seamlessly converting into support tickets, all neatly sorted within a visual pipeline. Each ticket becomes a centralized hub, tracking progress, housing communication, and guiding agents towards a swift resolution.

But VIDU Helpdesk goes beyond ticketing. Built-in automation handles repetitive tasks like notifications and escalations, freeing up agents to focus on complex issues. AI-powered chatbots deflect simple inquiries, further reducing workload. With VIDU Helpdesk, you're not just solving problems, you're building stronger customer relationships, one ticket at a time.

Expense Management

Expense management within VIDU CRM simplifies the process of tracking and approving sales-related expenses. Sales team members can submit expense reports directly through the CRM, where they can be reviewed and approved by managers. 

This ensures a quick and efficient reimbursement process and helps maintain control over sales expenditures. The system provides real-time visibility into expense metrics, allowing for better budgeting and forecasting. It also helps identify spending patterns and potential areas for cost savings, contributing to the overall profitability of the sales operations.

Notifications & Reminders

VIDU CRM's notification and reminder system ensures that your sales team stays informed about important events, tasks, and deadlines. Automated alerts can be configured for various triggers, such as follow-up dates, contract renewals, or when a deal reaches a critical stage. This keeps the team proactive and responsive to customer needs. 

The reminders can be customized to the preferences of each team member, and they can be received via email, SMS, or directly in the CRM interface. This flexibility ensures that no critical action item is overlooked, enhancing the overall productivity of the sales team.

Reports & Analytics

Reports and analytics in VIDU CRM turn sales data into actionable insights. With a suite of reporting tools, sales managers can monitor key performance indicators, analyze sales trends, and measure the effectiveness of sales strategies. Custom reports can be created to focus on specific aspects of the sales process, from lead conversion rates to average deal sizes. 

The analytics feature allows for deep dives into the data, with the ability to segment information based on various criteria. This helps in identifying opportunities for improvement and making data-driven decisions to drive sales growth.